Everyone in the family gets pleased due to entry of Princess in sweet home. Everyone starts searching Gujarati name dictionary (ગુજરાતી નામવાળી) and comes with different opinions related to baby girl name in Gujarati (ગુજરાતી છોકરી નામ). it becomes a very difficult task to pick one Gujarati baby girl name idea among proposals. Let’s explore!
ગુજરાતી namavali | Meaning of namavali in Gujarati girl | ગુજરાતી baby name |
Aaradhana | Praying, Appeal | આરાધના |
Aasi | Very lovely Girl, Mirror | આસી |
Anaika | Excellent, Strong | અનૈકા |
Anjana | Mother of God Hanuman | અંજના |
Arohi | Musical Melody, Tune | આરોહી |
Bansuri | Flute, Instrument of God Krishna | બાંસૂરી |
Bhavi | Sentimental Gujarati name | ભાવી |
Bhavini | Emotional, Goddess Parvati | ભાવિની |
Bhavya | Huge, Largest | ભવ્યા |
Bindurekha | A Line made by connecting dots | બિન્દુરેખા |
Birva | Blade of leaf | બિરવા |
Buddhi | Knowledge, Intellectuality | બુદ્ધિ |
Chahak | Chirp of bird | ચાહક |
Chakor | Bird, Ave Gujarati names | ચકોર |
Chayan | Select, decide | છાયાન |
Chhaya | Shadow, darkness | છાયા |
Dhani | Wealthy, prosperous | ધણી |
Dhara | Constant Flow, Raining | ધારા |
Dhruvi | Star Gujrati baby name, Firm | ધ્રુવી |
Diya | Lamp in front of God, Light | દિયા |
Dviti | Bright baby girl names in Gujarati language | દ્વિતી |
Falak | Sky, Space baby name Gujarati | ફલક |
Falguni | Born in Hindu Falgun month | ફાલ્ગુની |
Feni | Darling, lovely | ફેની |
Gagani | Galaxy, Heaven | ગગણી |
Hansa | Swan Gujarati name for girl | હંસા |
Hanshu | Happy, joyous | હન્શુ |
Hansvi | God Gifted, Swan | હંસવી |
Harshvi | Cheerful, Glad | હર્ષવી |
Hejal | Fruit, Result | હેઝલ |
Hemangini | with Golden Body | હેમાંગિની |
Hetal | Buddy, Friend | હેતલ |
Hetali | Nice Friendship | હેતાલી |
Himani | Goddess Parvati, Ice, Snow, Golden | હિમાની |
Hitakshi | Caring, Helping | હિતક્ષી |
Hitanshi | Well Wisher | હિતાનશી |
Hriti | Kind Hearted | હૃતી |
Jalsa | Celebration, feast | જલ્સા |
Jhalak | Glance, look Gujarati baby girl names | ઝલક |
Jhilmil | Glowing, glittering, sparkling | ઝિલમિલ |
Jia | Gujarati baby girl name for a heart | જિયા |
Jigna | Curious, wonder | જિજ્ઞા |
Jinisha | Ultimate Girl | જિનીષા |
Jisha | Feel good baby name girl Gujarati | જીશા |
Jital | Desire to Live, Winter | જીતલ |
Kanvi | Flute, Radha | કાનવી |
Kasak | Pleasant pain | કસક |
Khyati | Popular, Fame | ખ્યાતી |
Kinjal | Shore, River Bank | કિંજલ |
Kruti | Creation, Act | ક્રુતિ |
Meet | Lovely Friend | મીત |
Minal | Precious Stone | મીનલ |
Misri | Sweet, sugary | મિસરી |
Naira | with Big Eyes | નૈરા |
Nandani | Gujrati name for Sacred Cow | નંદાની |
Narmada | A River Gujarati name for girl | નર્મદા |
Nipti | Expert, Intelligent, Wise | નિપ્તી |
Nirali | Unique, New baby name in Gujarati | નિરાલી |
Nirja | Goddess Laxmi, Lotus flower | નિરજા |
Nirma | Clean, Spotless, Produce | નિરમા |
Pahal | A Start, Facet | પહેલ |
Palak | Eye Blink name meaning in Gujarati | પલક |
Parita | In each Direction | પરિતા |
Pramila | Arjun’s Wife (Mahabharat) | પ્રમિલા |
Prital | Beloved, sweetheart | પ્રીતલ |
Purti | Satisfaction, Completion | પૂર્તિ |
Raina | Queen, Night | રૈના |
Reshama | Silk, Velvet | રેશમા |
Ronak | Shine, Brightness | રોનક |
Ruhani | Spiritual, Divine | રુહાની |
Sitara | Morning Star | સિતારા |
Snaya | A Princess, Born on Saturday | સ્નયા |
Takhsvi | Goddess Lakshmi | તખસ્વી |
Takshvi | Goddess Laxmi | તક્ષવી |
Tanika | String, Gujarati girl names for cord | તનિકા |
Tapvi | Shining, glowing | તપવી |
Tejal | Glow, Lustre | તેજલ |
Tejvi | Full of luminosity | તેજવી |
Tithi | Auspicious Date | તિથી |
Trimbiki | Third Eye of God Shankar | ત્રિમ્બીકી |
Trisita | Annapurna, Who Fullfil Thirst | ત્રિસિતા |
Tulsi | Sacred Basil Plant | તુલસી |
Udyati | Raised, increased | ઉદ્યતી |
Ujali | Glowing, Brilliance | ઉજાલી |
Umiksha | Auspicious, Divine | ઉમિક્ષા |
Urja | Energy, force | ઉર્જા |
Uttara | The Answer, North direction | ઉત્તરા |
Utsavi | Festival, carnival | ઉત્સવી |
Vachi | Fluent Speaker | વાચી |
Vani | Voice, Speech | વાણી |
Vari | Clean water | વારી |
Virali | Rare, Valuable | વિરાલી |
Viva | Long living Gujarati girl name | વિવા |
Vivika | Alive baby girl names Gujarati | વિવિકા |
Vridhima | Greater, Goddess Lakshmi | વૃધિમા |
Vrusti | Heavy Rain | વૃષ્ટિ |
Yashoda | Mother of Lord Krishna, Successful | યશોદા |
Yashvi | Famous, Successful | યશવી |
Zeel | Waterfall, cascade | ઝીલ |
Zinal | Place name of child in Gujarati | ઝિનલ |
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LANGUAGES: অসমীয়া, বাংলা, हिंदी, ಕನ್ನಡ, മലയാള, मराठी, ଓଡ଼ିଆ, राजस्थानी, संस्कृत, தமிழ், తెలుగు
As the number of proposals for Gujarati baby girl name dictionary increases, confusion also increases. It becomes very difficult to take the decision for Gujarati name for a girl. The Gujarati language originated from Hindi, Sanskrit. So, baby name Gujarati are influenced by ancient languages also. Gujarati names also has a rich cultural background. www.babynamesatoz.com ensures Gujarati name list (ગુજરાતી baby name) of unique baby names for Gujarati baby.