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100 Best Islamic Urdu names for boy with meanings – [2021] اردو نام

urdu names for boy

Urdu is predominantly spoken in the Indian subcontinent. Urdu is originated from many ancient languages. Islamic baby boy names in Urdu with meanings are given in following table,

Urdu boy namesUnique muslim boy names with meaning in UrduBaby name Urdu
AaftabBrilliance of Sunآفتاب
AalimWise learning manعالم
AamirPopulous, prosperousعامر
AaqilWise, smartعقیل
Aarifknowing, knowledgableعارف
AarisWho stands up for faithآریس
AasimGuardians Urdu names for boyعاصم
AbanClear boys name in Urduابان
AbbasA lion عباس
AbdallahServant of Allahعبداللہ
AbdarGlittering, wealthyعبدر
AbdelServant of allahعبد
AbdellahA servant of Allahعبداللہ
AbyanVery cleanابیان
AdnanProper nameعدنان
AlvanWith fair complexionالوان
AnasA groupانس
AqibName for Prophet Muhammadاکیب
ArmaanNeed, desireارمان
AzazHonest, Strongاعزاز
AzeezServant of the mightyعزیز
DaleelTeacher, mentorدلیل
DaudA prophet’s nameداؤد
EshaanDesiring, wantایشان
FaheemKeen to learn, Curiousفہیم
FaisalImportant, crucialفیصل
FaizA generous boyفیض
FaizalConclusive, resoluteفیضل
FaizanGain, advantageفیضان
FarazTall, heightفراز
FardeenStrong, Powerfulفردین
FarhadFilled with happinessفرہاد
FawazChampion, Heroفواز
GhafoorServant of forgiverغفور
HaafizThe protector of Quranحافظ
Haamid Loving Allahحامد
HadiGuiding to rightہادی
HaiderBrave baby name in Urduحیدر
HammadOne who praises Allahحماد
IfranWise Urdu names for boysعرفان
ImranA prophets nameعمران
JaabirConsoler, comforterجابر
KamalPerfection, complete, wholeکمال
KashifExplorer, discovererکاشف
KhaaliqServant of the creatorخالق
MahdiGuided to right pathمہدی
MahirExpert ماہر
MohammedName of the prophetمحمد
NaadirDear, rareنادر
NahidPure, Spotlessناہید
QadirServant of the powerfulالقادر
RahatRest, Peaceراحت
RaheelOne who shows wayراہیل
RameezPrince Urdu name boyرمیز
RashidSlave of right-mindedرشید
RizwanMessenger of good newsرضوان
RushanBright, Illuminatedروشن
SaabirPatient Urdu baby boy namesصابر
SaadFortune سعد
SabihLovely Muslim boys names in Urduصبیح
SadaqatCharity, kindnessصداقت
SadikDear friendصادق
SaeedGlad, Joyfulسعید
SafirAmbassador, Massengerسفیر
SafwanRock, bright dayصفوان
SajidOne who worships Allahساجد
SamiHigh, sublimeسامی
SaudLucky Urdu names for boyسعود
ShadHappy Urdu baby boy namesشاد
ShafinWho can cureشافن
ShafiqSensitive, tenderشفیق
ShaheenRoyal, white falconشاہین
ShahidA martyr شاہد
ShahzadPrince Urdu boy namesشہزاد
SohailGlowing like moonسہیل
TahirClean, clearطاہر
TahseenWho is praisedتحسین
TalhaA tree طلحہ
TanzeelTerm from holy Quranتنزیل
ZaadWin, successزاد
ZeeshanBoy with styleذیشان
ZiyaanStylish, modestزیاان
ZunaidGreat warriorزونید

  It develops personality according to the meaning of Muslim boys names in Urdu. Boys name in Urdu given in his initial days will be long-lasting with him throughout his life. Urdu boy names are organised alphabetically for the smooth sequential experience. The aim of is to help parents to choose baby boy names Urdu / Urdu names for boys.

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