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100 Best names related to nature for Hindu girls with meanings [2021]

names related to nature

Indian Baby names related to nature are inspired by the many prominent things like earth, moon, sun, rain, stars in the sky. In Vedic Hinduism, many things are worshipped like God and goddess which are Supernatural powers. To reflect the supernatural power Indian names related to nature in Sanskrit are given to the babies as a token of worship.

Nature baby names Unique nature names meaning Nature baby Name related to Nature name in Hindi
Aahana Inner Light, First Ray of Sun Sun आहना
Aashni Thunderbolt, Flash Star आष्नी
Aadvika Girls baby names for the Earth, Unique Earth अद्विका
Aamaya Gods Hindu related to nature, Night’s Rain Rain अमाया
Aanupa Lake, Pool Rain अनुपा
Aanushka Lightning, Twinkling Star, related to love Star अनुष्का
Aanvi Indian goddess, Goddess names related to nature in Sanskrit Nature अन्वी
Aarundhati A Morning Star, Name of a Star Star अरुंधती
Aarushi Dawn, Baby girl names from First Ray of Sun, Red Sky in the Early Morning Sun आरूषी
Aaslesha Name of a star Star अश्लेशा
Aathira A full moon in Tamil, Prayer, Jasmine Moon अतिरा
Aavni The Indian name for the earth Earth अवनी
Aavya First  Sun Ray, Arriving information Sun आव्या
Barkha Rain Rain बरखा
Bhaskaree Brightful Sun भास्करी
Bhulaxmi Goddess of Land Earth भूलक्ष्मी
Bhoomi Land, The Earth Earth भूमि
Bijali Bright Lightning,  Enlightening nature बिजली
Bindu Droplet, Raindrop Rain बींदु
Birwa Lamina of plant, Blade of leaf nature बीरवा
Buwanisha Part of Land Earth भूवनिशा
Chandani Luminary, light Star चाँदनी
Chandreeka Moonlight Star चंद्रिका
Chounta More bright than Stars Star चौंटा
Chiti Beautiful insect fly, Butterfly Nature चिट्टी
Daamini Lightning, Winner Nature दामिनी
Dhaara Consistent Flow, Rain Rain धारा
Dharni Earth, Land Earth धरनी
Duravi Name of a Star Star दूर्वी
Ela Earth in Sanskrit Earth इला
Gagni Galaxy, Space Nature गगनी
Grishama Summertime weather names Nature ग्रीष्मा
Hareeta Green, Nature’s Friend Nature हरिता
Hezal Fruit, Outcome Nature हेज़ल
Hemaadri Golden mountain Nature हेमाद्री
Himayra Transparent Like Snow Nature हिमायरा
Idhika Soil Earth ईदिका
Indoo Moon-god, Dim light Moon इंदु
Ishanya North East Direction Nature ईशाण्या
Jhil Waterfall Rain झिल
Jyotsana Moon Light Moon ज्योत्सना
Kreetika A Star, A Nakshatra Star क्रितिका
Lateeka Vine, Delicate creeper Nature लतिका
Maahi Globe, worldwide Earth माही
Meehika Fog, Mist,  Dew Drop Nature मिहीका
Nabha Sky, heaven Nature नभा
Naxatra Twinkle Star in Sanskrit Star नक्षत्रा
Nehal Goddess of Rain, Rain Rain नेहल
Nihareeka Drop, Mist, Fog, Group of Star Star निहारिका
Nikita Earth, Victorious Earth निकिता
Palvee New Leaves / Leaf Nature पलवी
Phalak Heaven, sky Nature फलक
Punam Full Moon Night Moon पूनम
Prachi Older, Elder, First Ray of Morning Sun प्राची
Prakruti Nature in Sanskrit, Atmosphere Nature प्राकृति
Pratyoosha Bright Early Morning, Time before Dawn Sun प्रत्यूशा
Poornima Full Moon in Hindi Moon पूर्णिमा
Poorva East direction, Elder, A Nakshatra, Star पूर्वा
Rachee Sunrise, dawn Sun रची
Rajani Night, A River in Ancient India, A Queen Nature रजनी
Ritoo Season, Sanskrit names for nature Nature रितु
Rohini Wife of Moon, A Star, A Nakshatra Star रोहिणी
Rutujaa Queen of Seasons Nature ऋतुजा
Rootvi Blossom, Weather Cheer Nature रूतवी
Sejal Flowing River Water, Pure Water Rain सेजल
Sharinee Earth in Sanskrit Earth शारिणी
Shashinee Lunar, the moon in Sanskrit Moon शशिनी
Shikha Top of Mountain, hilltop Nature शिखा
Sheela Rock, stone Nature शीला
Sitara Morning Star Star सितारा
Srushti Universe Earth सृष्टि
Suhaana Bright Ray of Sun Sun सुहाना
Sooravi Sun, First Sun Light on Earth Sun सुरवी
Swasti Name of a Star Star स्वस्ति
Swaati A Nakshatra, Brightest Star Star स्वाती
Taranee Earth Earth तरणी
Taranika Goddess for Earth Earth तरणिका
Tinaka Grass, weed, lawn Nature तिनका
Twisha Bright Sunshine Sun त्विशा
Udayaa Sunrise, Dawn, Morning sun in Sanskrit Sun उदया
Udaysri Raising Sun Sun उदयश्री
Udeeshna Sanskrit names for sun rays Sun उदिष्णा
Urmee Surge, shake Nature उर्मी
Urvee The Earth Earth उर्वी
Usha Dawn, Sunrise Sun उषा
Ushakeeran Morning Sunray Sun उषकीरण
Usharaani Morning Sun उषारानी
Ushama Summer Heat, Warm Nature उष्मा
Uttara The answer, North direction Nature उत्तरा
Vali Vine, Creeper Nature वल्ली
Varuneeka Goddess of Rain Rain वारुणिका
Vasoodha Different names for earth in Sanskrit Earth वसुधा
Wanya Goddess of Forest, Lord is Gracious, Flute, Gracious Gift of God Nature वन्या
Wari Aqua water Rain वारी
Wibha Sunshine, Radiance, Light Sun विभा
Wrusti Heavy Rain Rain वृस्ती
Yamini Night, Nocturnal Nature यामिनी
Yashti Twinkling Star Star यश्ती
Xiti Ground Earth क्षिति
Zeel Waterfall, cascade Nature झील

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LANGUAGES: অসমীয়া,         বাংলা,          ગુજરાતી,          हिंदी,          ಕನ್ನಡ,          മലയാള,          मराठी,          ଓଡ଼ିଆ,           राजस्थानी,           संस्कृत,          தமிழ்,          తెలుగు                                                                                             

Natural factors are traced back to the Vedic literature in ancient Indian baby girl names related to nature like earth in Sanskrit, morning sun in Sanskrit, nature in Sanskrit, star in Sanskrit, a moon in Sanskrit are mentioned. In India, calendar and timings based on the position of moon, sun, stars. Along with Sanskrit name for nature, there are many Indian baby names inspired by nature like nature names in Kannada, nature names in Tamil and nature by name in Hindi. The process becomes complex when it comes to choosing a unique name for a baby girl based on nature. so gives handpicked baby names meaning sun, full moon etc in Hindi also.

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