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200 Sacred Hindu god names for baby boy with meanings [updated 2021]

god names for baby boy

In the Hindu religion, Hindu god names possess supernatural power. Hindu mythological names for baby boy possesses limitless power of wisdom, strength, etc. Hindu god names for baby boy shows one’s affinity towards the culture, religion and worship. Hindu god name list in Hindi is also given below.

NAME Meaning of Hindu god names God name in Hindi God names
Ameya God Ganesh अमेय Ganesh
Amogh Success, Extraordinary, God Ganesha name अमोघ Ganesh
Arthav Lord Ganesha name अर्थव Ganesh
Atharva A Ved, Name of God Ganesha अथर्व Ganesh
Atish Fire, God Ganesh names आतिश Ganesh
Avnish Lord of Earth, A God Ganesha Name अवनीश Ganesh
Chinmay having Knowledge, Supreme feel, Name of Ganesha चिन्मय Ganesh
Damodhar Traditional Ganesh name in Marathi दामोदर Ganesh
Ekdant Having One Tooth, Famous Ganesh name एकदंत Ganesh
Gagnesh Son of God Shiva गगनेश Ganesh
Gajanan One of the name of Ganesha गजानन Ganesh
Gajroop Ganesha names गज़रुप Ganesh
Ganesh Elephant faced God Ganesh गणेश Ganesh
Kavish Lord of Poets, God Ganesha कविश Ganesh
Lambodhar Names of Lord Ganesha लंबोदर Ganesh
Nidhish God of Money निधीश Ganesh
Onkar Sound of holy Om ओंकार Ganesh
Parin God Ganpati name परिन Ganesh
Pratham Initial names of Ganesha प्रथम Ganesh
Shrijay Modern Ganesha names for baby boy श्रीजय Ganesh
Srinay Ganpati names श्रीनय Ganesh
Warad God Ganesha, God of Fire वरद Ganesh
Wignesh Lord Ganesha names for baby boy in Sanskrit विग्नेश Ganesh
Anjaneya Son of Anjani अंजनेय Hanuman
Bajarang God Hanuman names for baby boy बजरंग Hanuman
Aalpesh Tiny Part of God, Lord Krishna अल्पेश Krishna
Agnaw God Krishna अग्नव Krishna
Ariv Krishna other names as king of Wisdom आरिव Krishna
Awyukt God Krishna,  Clear आव्युक्त Krishna
Bal Mukund Name of Lord Krishna बालमुकुंद Krishna
Balendra Lord Krishna बलेंद्र Krishna
Balkrishna Krishna name meaning kid बालकृष्ण Krishna
Balmohan One who is attractive बालमोहन Krishna
Bansidhar Lord Krishnas names बन्सीधर Krishna
Brij Place of Krishna ब्रिज Krishna
Brijesh God Krishna,  King of Brij बृजेश Krishna
Damodar Lord Krishna names for baby boy दामोदर Krishna
Darsh Krishna god names for baby boy दर्श Krishna
Ghansham Other names of Lord Krishna घनश्याम Krishna
Giridhar Who lifts Mountain, Krishna गिरिधर Krishna
Girinath Lord Krishna baby name गिरीनाथ Krishna
Gopal Common names of Krishna गोपाल Krishna
Gopilaal God Krishna गोपीलाल Krishna
Govinda लार्ड कृष्णा नेम्स फॉर बेबी बॉय विथ मीनिंग in Hindi गोविन्द Krishna
Kanaiya Lord Krishna कन्हैया Krishna
Keeyansh God Krishna, All rounder कियंश Krishna
Keshav Krishna names for baby boy केशव Krishna
Kishan God Krishna किशन Krishna
Kishor Younger names of Lord Krishna किशोर Krishna
Krishnkant Variant of ‘Krishna’ कृष्णकांत Krishna
Madhav Another name of Lord Krishna माधव Krishna
Mounish Lord of Mind, Krishna मौनिश Krishna
Nandkishor Lord Krishna नंदकिशोर Krishna
Nandkumar God Krishna नंदकुमार Krishna
Natvar Lord Krishna नटवर Krishna
Niteesh Right Path follower, God Krishna नीतीश Krishna
Onish God Krishna ओनिश Krishna
Onkrish God Krishna ओंकृष Krishna
Preetam Lover, God Krishna प्रीतम Krishna
Sharwil God Krishna शरविल Krishna
Vaasu Valuable, Related to God Krishna वासू Krishna
Vallabh Beloved, God Krishna वल्लभ Krishna
Vasubhadra Name of Lord Krishna वसुभद्र Krishna
Vihaari God Krishn विहारी Krishna
Vivan Krishna, Full of Life विवान Krishna
Yaadavendra Lord Krishna यादवेंद्र Krishna
Yaduveer God Krishna यदुवीर Krishna
Dashrathi Lord Rama names for baby boy दशरथी Ram
Hariraam God Ram name हरिराम Ram
Jairam Victory of Sriram god जयराम Ram
Raaghav Names of Lord Rama राघव Ram
Shivaraman God Shiva God Rama शिवरमन Ram
Shriram God Rama श्रीराम Ram
Aarshiv Aarshiv name meaning is Shiva अर्शिव Shiv
Aashutosh God Shiva’s Name आशुतोष Shiv
Achintya Shiv, Inconceivable अचिंत्य Shiv
Achlesvara Lord Shiva names for baby boy अचलेश्वर Shiv
Ajaat Shiva God name, Birthless अजात Shiv
Aksheet Permanent, God Shiva अक्षित Shiv
Akshiv Shiv God अक्षिव Shiv
Akul God Shivas name, Great, अकुल Shiv
Amarnaath Immortal Shiv God अमरनाथ Shiv
Arhant Enemy destructor, Shiv अरहंत Shiv
Avinash Eternal, Deathless, God Shiv अविनाश Shiv
Badri Lord Shiva names बद्री Shiv
Badrinath Nmae of God Shiva बद्रीनाथ Shiv
Balshankar Shiva names as kid बालशंकर Shiv
Bhadrik Names of Lord Shiva भद्ऋिक Shiv
Bhargav Archer, God Shiva भार्गव Shiv
Bhargaw Luck, God Shiva भार्गव Shiv
Bhavesh God of Galaxy, God of Emotions, God Shiva भावेश Shiv
Chandramouli Moon Crowned Shiva चंद्रमौलि Shiv
Chandrashekhar Cresent wearing names of Shiva चंद्रशेखर Shiv
Chatresh God Shiv चात्रेश Shiv
Chivan Sivan God चिवन Shiv
Dakshit Very rare names Lord Shiva दक्षित Shiv
Daxesh Almighty different names of Lord Shiva दक्षेष Shiv
Ekax One Eyed Shiv एकाक्ष Shiv
Eklinga Shiva एकलिंग Shiv
Eshan Shine, God Shiva इशान Shiv
Fanibhushan Name of Lord Shiva फनिभुषन Shiv
Gangesh God Shiv, God of Ganga गंगेश Shiv
Geerish Lord of Mountain, other names of Lord Shiva गिरीष Shiv
Gouresh Name of Lord Shiva गौरेश Shiv
Gourish Shiv: Husband  Parvati गौरीश Shiv
Harish God Shiv, God Ayyappa हरीष Shiv
Harshiv Modern names of Lord Shiva हरशिव Shiv
Hawish Fire, Lord Shiv हवीश Shiv
Hetwik Shiva names as well Wish हेत्विक Shiv
Himaksh Shiva names for baby boy हिमक्ष Shiv
Himansh Section of God Shiva हिमांश Shiv
Ishan Shine, God Shiva इशान Shiv
Ishant Lovely Baby, God Shiva इशांत Shiv
Jaishankar Victory of Lord Shiva जयशंकर Shiv
Jatindranath God Shiva जतिन्द्रनाथ Shiv
Jayvardhan God Shiva जयवर्धन Shiv
Jetik Master, God Shiva जैतिक Shiv
Jogesh God Shiva जोगेश Shiv
Kabilesh God Shiva, Delight कबीलेश Shiv
Krishang God Shiva कृषांग Shiv
Lailesh Lord Shiva name लैकेश Shiv
Lavit Lord Shiva name for baby boy लवित Shiv
Laxit Noticed, Targeted, God Shiva लक्षित Shiv
Linga Idol of Shiv, Gender लिंगा Shiv
Mahadev Lord Shiva महादेव Shiv
Maheshwar God Shiva महेश्वर Shiv
Maunesh Silent God Shiv मौनेश Shiv
Mridun God Shiva मृदुन Shiv
Nagesh God of  Snakes, God Shiva नागेश shiv
Nandish God of Nandi: Shiva नंदिश Shiv
Neelesh Blue god Shiv, Destroyer of Evil नीलेश Shiv
Nishal Immortal, God Shiva निशाल Shiv
Nishaan Symbol, Signature, Third Eye of God Shiva निशान Shiv
Nityam Consistant, God Shiva नित्यं Shiv
Panshul God Shiva पंशुल Shiv
Pralay Disaster, God Shiva, Himalaya प्रलय Shiv
Rudraunsh Like Rudra,Shiva रुद्रोंश Shiv
Rudresh God Shiva रुद्रश Shiv
Rushank God Shiva ऋशंक Shiv
Ruvansh Section of God Shiva रुवांश Shiv
Shankar Lord Shiva, God Shankar, He who gives                happiness शंकर Shiv
Shivay Lord Shiv शिवाय Shiv
Shivparsad Gift of Lord Shiva शिवप्रसाद Shiv
Shrithik Lord Shiva श्रितिक Shiv
Sivagnana Knowledge for Lord Shiva शिवगणना Shiv
Somanath Synonyms of Lord Shiva सोमनाथ Shiv
Ugresh Lord Shiva names in Sanskrit उग्रेश Shiv
Uparwin God Shiva उपर्विन Shiv
Urvansh God Shiva’s Chakra उर्वांश Shiv
Yashank God Shiva यशांक Shiv
Aadinath Prime God, Vishnu God आदिनाथ Vishnu
Aajitesh Vishnu God अजितेश Vishnu
Aashrit Lord Vishnu names for King आश्रित Vishnu
Acchutan Lord Vishnu names for baby boy अच्युतन Vishnu
Achyut Indestructible, God Vishnu अच्युत Vishnu
Akshaj God Vishnu, Diamond अक्षज Vishnu
Ashvat Strong, God Vishnu आश्वत Vishnu
Chakresh Lord Vishnu चक्रेश Vishnu
Chaturbhuj Vishnu name for having four arms चतुर्भुज Vishnu
Chiranjeev Lord Vishnu, Immortal चिरंजीव Vishnu
Eshanth God Vishnu Avatar एशांत Vishnu
Hari Names of Lord Vishnu हरि Vishnu
Harihar Lord Vishnu हरिहर Vishnu
Harinarayan God Vishnu हरिनारायण Vishnu
Hrishikesh Vishnu names for one who can Control Senses हृषिकेश Vishnu
Jaganath Avatar names of Vishnu जगन्नाथ Vishnu
Jishnu God Vishnu, Successful जीश्णु Vishnu
Kamalakant Lord Vishnu कमलाकांत Vishnu
Laxmidhar Lord Vishnu लक्ष्मीधर Vishnu
Laxmikant Husband of Goddess Laxmi लक्ष्मीकांत Vishnu
Laxminath Consort of Laxmi लक्ष्मीनाथ Vishnu
Lohitaksh God Vishnu names for having Red eyes लोहिताक्ष Vishnu
Mukund Name of Vishnu मुकुंद Vishnu
Naamish God Vishnu नामिष Vishnu
Narayan Lord Vishnu नारायण Vishnu
Neekesh Modern names of Lord Vishnu निकेश Vishnu
Nimish Modern names of Lord Vishnu for baby boy निमिष Vishnu
Nitin Vishnu name meaning follower of the Right Path नितिन Vishnu
Padmesh God Vishnu, God of Lotuses पद्मेश Vishnu
Pranav Om, God Vishnu प्रणव Vishnu
Pranshu Tall, God Vishnu प्रांशु Vishnu
Shridhar Lord Vishnu श्रीधर Vishnu
Shrish God Vishnu श्रीश Vishnu
Sriansh Lord Vishnu’s Part श्रींश Vishnu
Udjit Vishnu names for baby boy उद्जित Vishnu
Utpalax God Vishnu उत्पालक्ष Vishnu
Vaishnav Devotee of Vishnu वैष्णव Vishnu
Vaman Tiny names of Lord Vishnu for baby boy वमन Vishnu
Manikandan Lord Ayyappa माणिकंदन AYYAPPA
Sabari God Ayyappan साबारी AYYAPPA
Kadhirvel Another Name For God Murugan काधीर्वेल Murugan
Kumaresh God of Youngs, God Murugan कुमारेश Murugan
Seyon Modern names of lord Murugan names सेयोन Murugan
Balaji Lord venkateswara names for baby boy बालाजी Venkatesh
Girivardhan Lord Vekataswra गिरीवर्धन Venkatesh
Jasvik God Venkatesha जास्विक Venkatesh
Kalyan Welfare, God Venkatesh कल्याण Venkatesh
Kriyan God Venkateshwara क्रियान Venkatesh
Venkat God Venkateswara वेंकट Venkatesh
Venkatesh God venkateswara वेंकटेश Venkatesh

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LANGUAGES:  অসমীয়া,         বাংলা,         ગુજરાતી,         हिंदी,         ಕನ್ನಡ,         മലയാള,         मराठी,         ଓଡ଼ିଆ,         राजस्थानी,         संस्कृत,         தமிழ்,         తెలుగు

 Religious people think that the new baby born in the family is a gift from God so gives Hindu god names to baby boy. A single god has many names state-wise and language-wise so the number increases up to a large extent. In the Vedic literature, there is numerous name of gods. So it is very difficult to choose one among them. collected specific names of Lord Ganesh, Lord Hanuman, Lord Krishan, Lord Ram, Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Venkatesh.

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