Everyone in the family gets pleased due to entry of Prince in sweet home. Everyone starts searching Namavali in Gujarati boy (બાલ નમાવલી ગુજરાતી baby name) and comes with different opinions related to Gujarati name for boy (ગુજરાતી છોકરો નામ). it becomes a very difficult task to pick one baby name Gujarati idea among proposals. Let us explore Namavali Gujarati boy names!
Bal Namavali | Gujarati baby boy names meaning | ગુજરાતી Namavali |
Aatish | Fire, God Ganesh Name | આતિશ |
Adhiraj | Emperor Namavali in Gujarati | અધિરાજ |
Aksh | Chariot having many Horses | અક્ષ |
Amul | Uncomparable, Valueable | અમૂલ |
Anav | Sea, Humble | અનવ |
Arvik | Free, Unbound, God Ganesh | અરવિક |
Ashmit | Gujarati baby boy names for pride | અશ્મિત |
Bahul | A Star name | બહુલ |
Bhautik | God Shiva | ભૌતિક |
Bhavil | Beautiful | ભાવિલ |
Bhumit | Friend of Country | ભૂમિત |
Chahel | Good Cheer | ચહેલ |
Chahit | Love in Heart | ચહિત |
Champak | Gujarati baby boy names for flowers | ચંપક |
Chirag | Gujarati names for Lamps | ચિરાગ |
Chirantan | lmmortal | ચિરન્તન |
Darsh | God Krishna | દર્શ |
Daxit | God Shiva | દક્ષિત |
Dehan | Better Gujrati boy name | દેહન |
Devan | Like a God Namavali in Gujarati | દેવન |
Devraj | Indra : King of Heaven | દેવરાજ |
Dharmesh | Master of Religion | ધર્મેશ |
Dhrumil | Imminent, famous | ધ્રુમિલ |
Dhvanil | Sound of air | ધ્વનિલ |
Digesh | Master of Directions | દીગેશ |
Divesh | Master of Directions | દિવેશ |
Drish | Vision | દ્રિશ |
Dushyant | Destroyer of evil | દુષ્યંત |
Eashan | Mahadev | ઇશાન |
Ekagrah | Concentrated | એકગ્રહ |
Gagnesh | Son of God Shiva | ગગનેશ |
Girdhari | God Krishna | ગિરધારી |
Gokul | Where God Krishna raised | ગોકુલ |
Govind | God Krishna from Gujarati Namavali | ગોવિંદ |
Gunjan | Bee Buzz | ગુંજન |
Gurudutt | Bestowed by a Teacher | ગુરુદત્ત |
Hardik | Straight From Heart, Son of God | હાર્દિક |
Harshiv | God Shiv | હર્ષિવ |
Hasmukh | Happy | હસમુખ |
Hetansh | Rising Sun | હેતાંશ |
Heyansh | Piece of Heart | હિયાનશ |
Hitanshu | Well Wisher | હિતાનશુ |
Hrishab | Gujarati boy with Ethics | હૃષબ |
Iravan | King of Ocean | ઇરાવાન |
Jai | Conqueror, Defeater | જય |
Jaitik | Master, God Shiva | જૈતિક |
Jatin | Saint, God Shiv | જતિન |
Jaydev | God of success | જયદેવ |
Jaynish | Finest | જયનીશ |
Jayraj | Lord of victory | જયરાજ |
Jignesh | Curious baby name Gujarati | જિજ્ઞેશ |
Jiyansh | havinf complete knowledge | જિયાંશ |
Kaling | Bird, Artistic | કલિંગ |
Kalp | Imagination | કલ્પ |
Kalpesh | God of Imagination | કલ્પેશ |
Kamlesh | Lord of Lotus, God Vishnu | કમલેશ |
Kanav | An ancient name of Rishi | કનવ |
Mahesh | God Shiv | મહેશ |
Mahindra | Indra Dev | મહિન્દ્રા |
Mahipal | A king in Gujarati name dictionary | મહિપાલ |
Malank | Ruler | મલંક |
Malhar | Name of a raga | મલ્હાર |
Manak | Sacred Soul | માનક |
Manant | Deep Study | મનંત |
Manit | Appreciated | મનીત |
Maulik | Valuable baby name Gujarati | મૌલિક |
Mayan | Pure Source | મયન |
Megh | Cloud | મેઘ |
Mehul | Rain, Cloud | મેહુલ |
Mitesh | One with few desires | મિતેશ |
Mithilesh | Father of Sita | મિથિલેશ |
Monil | Bird Gujarati name for boy | મોનીલ |
Moulik | Precious, Valuable | મૌલિક |
Mrigaj | Son of Moon | મૃગજ |
Mudit | Satisfied, Pleased | મુદિત |
Mukesh | Lord Shiva | મુકેશ |
Mukul | Soul, Blossom | મુકુલ |
Nand | A raga from Indian music | નંદ |
Nanku | Fine new baby name in Gujarati | નંકુ |
Naval | Miracle | નવલ |
Nayan | Eye Gujarati name | નયન |
Nirav | Silent Gujarati boy name | નીરવ |
Nityam | Consistant, God Shiva | નીત્યમ |
Parag | Pollen of Flower | પરાગ |
Paresh | Ultimate God boy name Gujarati | પરેશ |
Praful | Happy Gujarati name for boy | પ્રફુલ |
Punit | Sacred, Pure | પુનિત |
Sudhir | Determined | સુધીર |
Taksh | Having Eyes Like Dove | તક્ષ |
Tushar | Droplets, Mist | તુષાર |
Ujagar | Sparkling, Clever, Famous | ઉજાગર |
Urmik | Joyful Gujarati name | ઉર્મિક |
Varadavinayaka | Bestowed of success | વરદવિનાયક |
Vasavaj | Son of Indra | વસાવાજ |
Vatsal | Caring, Loving | વત્સલ |
Vihan | Dawn, First SunRay | વિહાન |
Virohin | Sprouting Budding | વિરોહીન |
Viswas | Faith | વિશ્વાસ |
Vivansh | Half Moon, Morning Sunray | વિવંશ |
Vyanshak | Mountain | વ્યાંશક |
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Modern– 100 Modern baby boy names
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संस्कृत- 100 Sacred Sanskrit baby boy names
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Nature- 100 Cute nature names for baby boy
Body parts- 50 baby boy names related to body parts
Flower- 50 Cute Indian flower names for boys
Bird- 50 Cute boy names that mean bird

As the number of proposals from Gujarati name dictionary increases, confusion also increases. It becomes very difficult to take the decision for baby boy names in Gujarati Rashi. The Gujarati language originated from Hindi, Sanskrit. So, Gujarati names are influenced by ancient languages also. Gujrati Namavali also has a rich cultural background. https://www.babynamesatoz.com ensures Gujarati name list of a new baby name in Gujarati.