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100 Top Baby Buddhist boy names of Indian origin with meanings (2021)

Buddhism is 4th biggest religion in the world. It is originated in India and mainly spread in East and Southeast Asia. Many Buddhist philosophies are accepted all over the world. Buddhist baby boy names in India are given below,

Buddhist nameMeaning of Buddhist boy namesBuddha names
AghadVast, Deepआघाड
AnanadaWealthy Buddhist boy names in Marathiआनंदा
AnantamatiWith Infinite Mindअनंतमती
AnantavikramaWith Eternal Valourअनंतविक्रम
AnurakMale angel अनुराक
AnuttaraUnique Buddhist names for boyअनुत्तरा
AnuttaroOnly oneअनुतारो
AsahiRising Sunअसाही
AshokaWithout Sorrowअशोक
AshwaghoshA Buddhist philosopherअश्वघोष
BalavrataWorshipping Rising Sunबालव्रता
BensenBe Diligentबेनसेन
BhadantaTop Buddhist boy names for monkभदंता
BhadrapalaGuardian of Goodnessभद्रपाला
BimbisaraOf a golden colorबिम्बिसार
BoddhidharmaFollower of Buddhist Doctrineबोधिधर्म
BodhidhammaEnlightenment Teachingबोधिधम्म
BuddhaLord Buddhaबुद्धा
BuddhamitraFriend of Buddhaबुधमित्रा
BuddhanandiOne who Enjoys Knowledgeबुधनंदी
BudhadevLord Buddhaबुधादेव
BudhasutaSon of Budhaबुधासुता
BudhhEnlighted popular Buddhist namesबुद्ध
BudiTo have mind or characterबुद्धी
BupposoBuddha Dhamma Sanghaबुप्पोसो
ChandrasuryaSun and Moon Conjoinedचंद्रसूर्य
ChakravartinHolder of doctrine चक्रवर्ती
DasbalaTen Times powerfulदसबला
DevapuraDivine cityदेवपुरा
DevarajaA Kingदेवराज
DevatidevaSupreme Godदेवतीदेव
DhanurajaKing of Archersधनुराजा
DharmadharaSupporter of Dhammaधर्मधारा
DharmakaraMine of Dhammaधर्मकार
DhimanClever, Wiseधीमान
DipankaraVariant of ‘Deepankar’दिपंकरा
GanendraLord of a Troopगणेंद्र
GautamWisest top Buddhist boy names गौतम
HarsulaProper to be Happyहर्सुला
HemlalA name of Buddhaहेमलाल
IssaraRuler, masterईसारा
IssaramuniIssara plus muniइस्सारमुनि
IttaraTemporary, briefइत्तरा
JayasuryaVictorious sunजयसूर्या
JimutaCommited to family and friendsजिमुता
KanishkKing Buddhist namesकनिष्क
KarambirBrave with Gods Graceकरंबीर
KheminWho enjoys peace खेमीन
KhyatishMaster of Fameख्यातिष
MaitreyaLord Buddha, Friendमैत्रेय
MridukGentle, soft Buddhist name for boyमृदुक
MuneshLord of Sagesमुनेश
MunishLord Buddha namesमुनीश
NamritHumble, Politeनमृत
NirvinHappiness, Blissनिर्विन
PadmayaniBuddhist names for baby boyपद्मायणी
ParthaSon of Earthपार्थ
PasangBorn On Fridayपासंग
PatakinHolder of  Bannerपताकिन
PemaBuddhist baby names for lotusपेमा
PurissaraHoly city Buddhist nameपुरीसरा
PururavasA King, Praisedपुरुरावस
RaahulBuddhist baby names in Marathiराहुल
RaghujeetWin of Raghu Familyरघुजित
RajadhammaA Buddhist Kingराजाधाम्मा
RathavantPossessing a kingdomरथावंत
SakyamuniLord Budhaशाक्यमुनि
SandeepenSage Buddhist baby boy namesसंदीपेन
SangmuKind Buddhist boy namesसंगमू
SankalpaBuddhist baby names in Pali for resolveसंकल्प
SanyojitConjoined, Attachedसन्योजित
SeniyaPossessed of large सेनिया
ShakyasinhaLord Buddhaशाक्यसिंह
SiddharthaOne Who Accomplished Aimसिद्धार्थ
SuddhodhanLord Buddha’s Fatherशुद्धोधन
SwajaySelf Controllerस्वजय
TathagatTitle of The Buddhaतथागत
TrigyaNames of Buddhaत्रिज्ञा
UlaganA worldly manउलागान
UpaguptaA Buddish Monkउपगुप्त
UshinarMost Desired, A Kingउशीनर
UttiyaName In Buddhist Literatureउत्तिया
Vajira MuniIndestructible sageवजीरा मुनि
VarajKing of Forestवरज
VidvathScholar, Intelligentविद्वाथ
VipaschitLord Buddhaविपश्यित

Given top Buddhist boy names reflect teaching to a baby boy. Buddhist names boy are present in Pali and Buddhist names in Marathi.Good Buddhist baby boy names create energy which required for his guided development. The aim of is to help parents to choose Buddhist boy names. Buddhist baby names are organised alphabetically for the smooth sequential experience.

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