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100 বাংলা ছেলে নাম – Sweet Bengali baby boy names with meanings [2021]

bengali boy name

As the baby boy enters in the family, joy enhances. uncommon Bengali baby boy names obtained from the language which is rich in culture, tradition and literature. There are many Bengali boy names (বাংলা ছেলে নাম / বাঙ্গালী নাম) so that filtering becomes tough to work.

Bengali boy namesBengali baby boy names meaningBengali baby names
AarivKing of Wisdom, God Krishnaআরিব
AbhijitVictorious, Krishnaঅভিজিৎ
AbhinandanGreeting, Congratulationঅভিনন্দন
AbhirupHandsome Look, Pleasing, Smartঅভিরুপ
AdityaGod Sun, As Bright as Sunআদিত্য
AjitSuccessful, Conquering, Undefeatedঅজিত
AjoyBengali baby boy names for joyfulঅজয়
AniketGod Shiva, One who considers world his homeআনিকেট
AnisClose Friend, God Krishnaআনিস
AnkitSymbol, Stamped, Sign, Conqueredঅঙ্কিত
AnkurSprout, New Lifeঅঙ্কুর
AnupamNon comparable, Uniqueঅনুপম
AnuragAffection, adore, Loveঅনুরাগ
AnvikStrong Bengali baby boy namesআনবিক
ArhantEnemy destructor, Shivআরহান্ত
ArinArin name meaning in bengali Strong Mountainআরিন
ArindamOne who destroyes of Enemiesঅরিন্দম
AriyanKing, Warrior Beyond one’s Strengthআরিয়ান
ArjavSpeech, Straightforward Personআরজাভ
ArjitGained, Earnedউপার্জিত
ArnabUncommon Bengali baby boy names for seaঅর্ণব
ArnitBeautiful flowerঅর্ণিত
ArpitSacrifice, Submission, Devoted to Godআরপিট
ArushFirst sunlightঅরুশি
AshutoshGod Shiva’s Nameআশুতোষ
AsitUnlimited, God Ganesha name, Part of Shivঅসিত
AtmajHindu baby boy names Bangla son আত্মজ
AviWind, Air, Born to Rule, Betterঅবি
AvikBrave, Fearless daringঅবিক
AvirajAs Bright as Sun, Kingআভিরাজ
AvyuktGod Krishna, Clearআউযুক্ত
AyurGod Shiv Bengali baby boy nameআয়ুর
BasantSpring Seasonবসন্ত
BenoySincere Bengali boys nameবিনয়
BhadrikShiv Godবদ্রীকা
BibekConscience, Sincereবিবেক
BinitPolite Bengali boys nameবিনীত
BipinForest, Sharp Bengali boysবিপিন
BipulPlenty, Lots ofবিপুল
BirenGod of Warriorsবীরেন
BrijeshGod Krishna, King of Brijব্রিজেশ
DebeshPart of God  Bengali boyদেবেশ
DebjitWho won with Godদেবজিৎ
DevratSpiritual Man, A kingডেভরাট
DiptanshuSun, Source of Lightডিপতাংশু
DivyanshuSun, sacred Lightদিওয়ানশু
FalgunA Month in the Hindu Calendar, Born in Falgunফাল্গুন
HriyanWealthy Bengali baby boy namesহৃয়ান
IndrajitConqueror of Indraইন্দ্রজিৎ
IndranilSapphire, Blue Sky,God Shivaইন্দ্রনীল
IshanShine, God Shivaঈশান
IshayuStrong, Sun Bengali boy namesইশযু
IshwarSuperior God baby name in Bengaliঈশ্বর
JagdishKing of World, God Krishnaজগদীশ
JyotiBright lamp name meaning in Bengaliজ্যোতি
KarnavNew Thinking Bengali baby nameকর্ণাভ
KinshukBengali names for flowersকিংশুক
MadurSweet, Melodious, Amiableমধুর
MahirMahir name meaning in Bengali is expertমাহির
MayankBengali name meaning Moonমায়াঙ্ক
MridulSmooth, Kind Heartedমৃদুল
MrigankMoon Bengali names for boysমৃগাঙ্ক
MrugName of a birdমৃগ
NeelBlue, God Shivনীল
NevanLittle Saint Bengali babyনেভান
NileshBlue god Shiv, Destroyer of Evilনিলেশ
NitishRight Path follower, God Krishnaনীতীশ
PankajLotus in mudপঙ্কজ
PrabhatBengali boy names for Dawnপ্রভাত
PralayDisaster, God Shiva, Himalayaপ্রলয়
PrashantCalm Bangla baby nameপ্রশান্ত
PrasoonUncommon Bengali baby boy names of flowerপ্রসুন
PratikSign, markপ্রতীক
PrayanIntelligent Bengali baby namesপ্রয়াণ
PritamLover, God Krishnaপ্রীতম
PriyanshPart of belovedপ্রিয়ানস
RajdeepBrightness of Nation, Best Rulerরাজদীপ
RajivBlue Lotus Bangla nameরাজীব
RavirajSun Bengali names for boysরাভিরাজ
RiturajLord of Seasonঋতুরাজ
RiyanDoorway for Heaven, God Vishnuরিয়ান
RohinishMoon, Lord of Rohiniরোহিনীসহ
RonitBrightness, Shine, Melodyরোনিত
SagnikConquerer of Fire, Fireসাগ্নিক
SamikSilent Bengali baby namesসমীক
SamirWind, Breeze, Scentসমীর
SanavThe Sunশনব
SangamAlliance, Combination, Unityসঙ্গম
SarajKing of Swan name meaning in Bengaliসরাজ
SarasSimple, A Bird, Lake, Moon, Pondসরস
ShouryaBravery, Daringসৌর্য
ShreyasExcellent, Supreme, God Ganeshaশ্রেয়াস
SmyanSmiling, Grinningস্ময়ন
SrijanLovely Creation, Constructionসৃজন
SujoyConqueror,Champ সুজয়
SumitGood Friend, Right Pathসুমিত
TitirA birdতীতীর

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bengali baby boy names

  Plenty of suggestions for Bengali names for boys are sufficient enough to confuse you. You don’t have to see various references, literature, Bengali name meaning dictionary, an encyclopaedia for Bengali boys name. The remedial solution is offered by as we provide shortlisted Bengali boys name. Congratulation for the sweet prince!

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