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100 Christian baby boy names with their unique meanings [updated 2021]

christian baby boy names

Christianity is the most followed religion in the world. In Christianity, believers believe in Christ. It is the largest religion on Earth. Biblical boy names and modern Christian baby boy names with meaning are given below,

Christian namesMeaning of Christian names for boys
AaronStrong, Powerful
AbelA Breath
AdamFirst man on Earth
AdrianFrom Hadria
AidenBon fire
AlbertNoble And Bright
AlexDefender Of People
AlexanderGuardian, helpful to mankind
AlfieForm of alfred
AlfredElf names that mean ruler
AustinGreat Christian baby boy names
BenjaminSon of my right hand
BillyForm Of William
BlakeSignifies dark
BobbyShining Christian boy names
CalebLoyal, Reliable
CallumDove Christian baby names
CameronBent or crooked nose
CarsonSon of carr
CarterCart driver
CharlesFree Christian boy name
CharlieForm of charles
Chesterrochester baby boy names starting with che 
EastonFrom The East
EddieGood friend
EdenDelightful, adornment
EdwardRich guardian
EliHigher person
EliasJehovah is god
ElijahAlmighty God
ElliotCrime fighter
FilipLover of horses
FinleyFair boy names meaning warrior
FrancisFrom france
GabrielGod Is My Strength
GeorgeFarmer Christian names
HarleyFrom The Hares’ Wood
HarrisonSon of Harry
HenryHome ruler, estate owner
IanNames that mean gift from god
IsaacGiggle, laughing
JaceModern Christian boy baby names
JackGod is kind
JacksonGod is gracious, Son of Jack 
JacobSubstitute, Deputy
JakeWho takes hold of heel
JamesSupplanter, Double
JamesonSon of james
JasonWho cures
JaxsonA form of jackson
JaydenLord has heard
JensonSon Of Jens
JeremiahRaised by God
JesseWealthy Christian boys names
JohnGod is courteous
KaydenMusical boy names Christian
LandonGrassy meadow
LennonA small cloak or cape
LeoChristian baby names with meaning lion
LeonardoBrave Lion
LeviRelated, Connected
LewisFamed Warrior
LiamDetermined Fighter
MarcusFrom the god mars
MarleyLake meadow
MartinGod Of War
MateoGift from god
MatthewGod gifted
NathanGiven, reward
NathanielGift of god
NicholasPeople’s Victory
OakleyOak-tree field
OliverEnglish Christian baby boy names with meaning Olive
ParkerPark keeper
PatrickNobleman paul  –  small
RafaelGod Has Healed
RalphWolf counselor
RaphaelGod has healed
RayanKing Christian names for boys
ReggieForm of reginald
RemyRemedy Christian baby boy names
ReubenVision of the son
RexNames that mean king
SamTo hear
SamuelName of God
SantiagoOf St. James
SawyerWho cuts timber
StanleyStony meadow
TheoShort form of theodore
TheodoreDivine Gift
TobiasGod is awesome
WilfredWill Peace
WilliamResolute Defender 
ZacThe lord remembers
christian baby names

Given Christian baby boy names reflect teaching to the baby. It develops personality according to the meaning of Christian names for boys. Christian baby names are organised alphabetically for the smooth sequential experience. The target of is to help parents to select Christian boy names.

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